Azmayesh Group Consulting Engineers was established with corporation of architectural , structural, electrical and mechanical engineers in 1383(2004).The founders of this office with more than fifty years experiences have cooperated with well-known consultant such as :Taleghani,Daftari, Abdul Aziz Farmanfarmayan,Farda and Hamkaran and Further he has been leading and also been projects manageing of noted projects such as 33 floors Sepehr tower ,Telecom research centers and 56 floor residential tower inTehran.Our architectural group has participated in designing of the green areas and the city parks or the banks of Zayandehrood and they have close cooperation with consulting engineers and municipality of Isfahan.
Board of Directors
Activity description
Contact us
Address: Unit 1, No 2, Shahid Javadzadeh Street (8 West), Sanai St., Tehran,Iran - Postal Code 1585653861
Tell : 021-88821394, 88305161, 88839555 | Fax : 021-88302324 | Email :